ACS_0011.GIF [0] Holiday Shoppers line up to get on the sleigh...
ACS_0012.GIF [0] Holiday Shoppers take an alternative mode of transportation
ACS_0013.GIF [0] Who would have guessed that an open sleigh would be a slow moving vehicle?
ACS_0014.GIF [0] Kansas State Trooper Checking out the scene of an accident
ACS_0015.GIF [0] This was the sign post that got hit at the accident scene... now we know why they prohibit pedestrians!
ACS_0016.GIF [0] A battered old barn by the side of the road.
ACS_0017.GIF [0] Majestic view of three flags flying at the Kansas Capitol Building: The US Flag, the Kansas Flag, and the POW-MIA Flag.
ACS_0018.GIF [0] A bright red tree standing next to a statue on the Kansas Capitol Grounds
ACS_0019.GIF [0] A full view of the Capitol Building in Topeka, Kansas
ACS_0020.GIF [0] The statue of Abraham Lincoln at the Capitol Building in Topeka, Kansas
ACS_0021.GIF [0] The three flags flying next to the Capitol Dome
ACS_0022.GIF [0] A closeup of Abraham Lincoln's statue
ACS_0023.GIF [0] The bust of Abraham Lincolns statue on the Capitol Grounds in Topeka, KS
ACS_0024.GIF [0] Greyscaled photograph of Alan Bechtold, publisher of the Trade Newspaper SysOp News and Cyberworld Report, drawing out the winning name in our First Annual Pioneer Multichanger Giveaway.
ACS_0025.GIF [0] Welcome to the "Dark Sun"...
ACS_0026.GIF [0] The Dark Sun hides behind some clouds...
ACS_0027.GIF [0] A dark, forboding nebula?
ACS_0028.GIF [0] Another dark, forboding nebula..
ACS_0029.GIF [0] Boarding the school bus, while the dog looks forlornly on...
ACS_0030.GIF [0] A child boards the school bus, while the dog looks forlornly on...
ACS_0031.GIF [0] A closeup of the Kansas Frontier Woman statue on the Kansas Capitol Grounds
ACS_0032.GIF [0] Carving on the side of a building
ACS_0033.GIF [0] Memorial to slain Law Officers in Kansas
ACS_0034.GIF [0] Closeup of a replica of the Liberty Bell
ACS_0035.GIF [0] Flags silhouetted against a sunset
ACS_0036.GIF [0] One view of the Kansas Capitol Building
ACS_0037.GIF [0] Statue "Dedicated to the Pioneer Women of Kansas" as seen on an autumn day.
ACS_0038.GIF [0] Contrails at night
ACS_0039.GIF [0] The Christmas Light Show at the Capitol Building puts on quite a show...
ACS_0040.GIF [0] A Big, Bright Red Tree...
ACS_0041.GIF [0] Another view of the Capitol Building, where it towers above you...
ACS_0042.GIF [0] Replica of the Liberty Bell on display with the Kansas Capitol Building in the background
ACS_0044.GIF [0] Lit up Christmas trees in front of the Kansas Capitol Building
ACS_0045.GIF [0] The Kansas Capitol Building lit up at night
ACS_0046.GIF [0] SAC Museum - just what everyone needs... a MK-36 thermonuclear bomb!
ACS_0047.GIF [0] SAC Museum - This MIG-21 sits almost under the wing of a traditional adversary...
ACS_0048.GIF [0] SAC Museum - Front end view of a parked B-17 bomber
ACS_0049.GIF [0] SAC Museum - One missile and one payload
ACS_0050.GIF [0] SAC Museum - 3/4 view of the "King Bee" B-17
ACS_0051.GIF [0] SAC Museum - A closer look at the nose art on the "King Bee" B-17 bomber
ACS_0052.GIF [0] SAC Museum - a drone sits on a carrier
ACS_0053.GIF [0] SAC Museum - This is one BIG prop plane!
ACS_0054.GIF [0] SAC Museum - A British Vulcan bomber
ACS_0055.GIF [0] SAC Museum - a B-29 bomber rests on the runway.
ACS_0056.GIF [0] SAC Museum - The Goblin experimental fighter.
ACS_0057.GIF [0] SAC Museum - A large B-36 bomber looms
ACS_0058.GIF [0] SAC Museum - The Goblin experimental fighter in a 3/4 front view
ACS_0059.GIF [0] SAC Museum - B-17 bomber in a side view
ACS_0060.GIF [0] SAC Museum - Cruise missiles, then and now
ACS_0061.GIF [0] SAC Museum - A B-25 bomber with the nose art "Desert Doom"... and it's sitting in snow! (Grin!)
ACS_0062.GIF [0] SAC Museum - The B-25 "Desert Doom" as seen from a 3/4 view from the front
ACS_0063.GIF [0] SAC Museum - An early Air Force helicopter
ACS_0064.GIF [0] SAC Museum - A Catalina Flying Boat
ACS_0065.GIF [0] SAC Museum - F-111 fighter/bomber sitting inside a hangar
ACS_0066.GIF [0] Iced-over tree in the dead of night
ACS_0067.GIF [0] GIF of the cover of Tech Arsenal 2!
ASIANHOT.ZIP [0] === Arsenal CD-ROM Review === Disc Name: Asian Hot Pics === Type: Adult ===
CURR942.ZIP [0] === Arsenal CD-ROM Review === Disc Name: Current Shareware '94 #2 === Type: Shareware ===
CURRENT3.ZIP [0] === Arsenal CD-ROM Review === Disc Name: Current Shareware 3 === Type: Shareware ===